

If you would like to purchase any of these books, simply click on the link below the book.

Meditation and Contemplation

Meditation & Contemplation

This book traces the history of meditation and contemplation as a valid form of
prayer in the Christian tradition. Many Christians are unaware of the power of meditation in their life. This book will give inspiration and refreshment to
your personal prayer life


Intimacy with GodIntimacy with God

Most of us want more intimacy with God. This book is based on Cherie’s popular
seminars covering many forms of intimacy with God, including suggestions and
guidance for your own prayer life


Ignite Your Senses

Ignite your Senses

Multi-sensory worship goes beyond just reading a book or hearing a sermon.
Stimulating images that provide spiritual experiences are essential to engage
people heart, soul, mind and strength. Everything in the service needs to preach
– architecture, lighting, songs, prayers, fellowship and smells. This book is
full of ideas to enhance the experience for large and small groups.


Hear God Speak

Hear God Speak

In both the New Testament and the Old Testament the Bible records over 1765
conversations in which God spoke clearly to a variety of people. God has not
changed. If God spoke clearly to people in bible times then you can expect to
hear God speak to you now.


The Christian’s Heritage of PrayerChristians_Heritage_of_Prayersml

Christianity has such a long heritage of prayer techniques and styles but most Christians only know a few. This book shows you many different ways to develop your spirituality while getting closer to God.


Creating Mandalas


Mandalas are a great aid to meditation. This book is full of original mandala
designs that you can use to colour or interpret into quilts, paintings or other
